Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What I've Been Doing Lately

     So I'm sure that those of you who haven't yet completely lost interest in my blog are wondering what I've been up to lately.  Well, here it is!  Baby Cookie's first picture.  We found out for sure a week after Valentine's Day.  Since then I've been doing all kinds of things...not much cooking going on though.  Fortunately I only suffered a little nausea in my first trimester but I was not in the mood to do much cooking or baking because making a baby can sure make you tired and I had some food aversions there for a while.  I did manage to squeeze in a ski trip to Jackson Hole, WY at the end of February and a trip to Hawaii in April.  My husband and I enjoyed both very much and we're trying to make the most of the time we have left with just the two of us.
     I'm so excited about the baby though, its hard to think about anything else sometimes.  I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow and next week is the big ultrasound where we can find out the sex of the baby if we want to...only we aren't going to!  We want it to be a surprise, but I'm still excited about seeing the baby again.  I'm feeling much better these days so I'm going to start posting more regularly.  The focus will probably change a little bit towards nutrition during pregnancy and there will be no coffee and fewer cookies, but you can still expect some great healthy recipes and the occasional baby related post.  
     I'm going to take a break from Daring Bakers for a while, although I'll miss it, I'm trying to focus on good nutrition for baby and something like a whole cheesecake sitting around is just too tempting!  So I apologize for those of you who have come by looking for the Daring Baker's challenge posts.  The last one I completed was February and I will post that at some point so you can check it out.

Sunset on Maui